Tag: neural-networks

  • Recognising Named Entities (NER) (29 Nov 2019)
    Named entity recognition (abbreviated NER) is a subset of NLP that seeks to identify and categorise key information in text (called entities). In this article we will be performing NER by training a neural net on the CoNLL2003 tags and GloVe embeddings datasets.
  • Convolutional Neural Networks - The Basics (22 Nov 2019)
    In this post, we'll introduce you to the Convolutional Neural Network and its application to image classification. We'll walk you through building a simple CNN for multi-class classification, then run it on the Kaggle Flowers Recognition dataset. You will also get to improve your model's results using several common techniques. Once you have that down, you'll get to try out transfer learning using your CNN and a pre-trained state-of-the-art InceptionV3 base. Finally, we'll show you how to achieve a great classification accuracy with feature extraction and fine-tuning.

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